Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall Fashion in 652 Page Mega Issue of InStyle

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FALL FASHION is here and so is the InStyleMagazine 652 Page Mega Issue, September 2012. The bible for the fall season with all the beauty tips and recommendations you’ll need for a fabulous end of the year. Jennifer Lopez is in the cover of the magazine with a beautiful lingerie-inspired red silk top and a black leather skirt. Check out the article about her “We (heart) Jennifer Lopez.” Also pay attention to the hottest trends in boots, bags and outfits in all the beautiful ads and latest campaigns. Revise carefully the extended version of “Hot Trends at Any Age” recommendations by Fashion Director Cindy Weber-Cleary and her assistant, Alexandra Michler…priceless! And aside from all the eye candy material have a good read with some interesting articles about Designer Tommy Hilfiger and the Missoni family. Don't forget to check out the MAN OF STYLE, Ryan Kwanten from True Blood. The best time of the year is here…enjoy!


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